
Repositionable Ghost Bolts

While on the common Italian Style sun lounger any maintenance intervention on the frame (replacement of any worn or damaged part) can be carried out exclusively by the supplier (if organized in this sense) as each component is assembled with rivets which must be destroyed and replaced with special presses for each intervention, the BE BED allows any maintenance intervention on the Frame to be easily carried out with common equipment, therefore by its owner. In fact, the BE BED implements the patented proprietary technology called Repositionable Ghost Bolts which has the very important characteristic of being repositionable in order to allow any maintenance to the Frame with maximum ease, simply by dismantling and reassembling the same bolt. Furthermore, the interventions on BE BED, since they can also be carried out on site, do not imply the transfer of the sun lounger to reach the supplier which is sometimes even several hundred kilometers away.